“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor”
I was writing a publisher’s message on Saturday morning, April 25, when my sister, Karen, texted and asked me if I was at the Saylor Voris memorial.
I informed Karen I was not, unaware it was today. She said there was an online, live feed and I felt compelled to watch Saylor’s memorial.
I wasn’t close to Saylor, but we knew of each other. Saylor and my son Tanner grew up together. I remember Saylor’s mother, Konnie, always helping out in the classroom at Marblehead Elementary school in San Clemente, California.
After watching Saylor’s memorial, I quickly grabbed my pen and changed my message. Yes, I still use a pen. As Konnie read from Saylor’s journal, I felt her courage and my own baseless doubts became so irrelevant. Saylor is my heroine, with more strength, more power, more wisdom, and more courage than I’ve ever displayed, that’s for sure. I don’t do guilt, but if I did, that’s how I would’ve felt.
In contrast, I was inspired to improve.
This young woman knew more about life at 17 than most of the rest of us will possess on our journey to eternity. Thank you Saylor, for enlightening me on some key life principles I’ve been ignoring. Thank you Saylor, for allowing me to know you instead of know of you.
You will most definitely rest in peace and walk on the streets of gold in heaven.
I’ve had four close individuals in my life come down with leukemia in the past 24 months. Three of these beautiful creations are now deceased. My sister Karen, who I love very much, is the loan survivor our Lord chose to heal. Miraculously. Why, Lord?
The courage Saylor Voris demonstrated in the witness she provided South County communities over these past 18 months, is God’s example of greatness and his creations.
If any of you hear me complaining, please look at me, laugh and say, “Bradley, remember Saylor!” Thank you Saylor, for a true dose of reality!