P.U.M.A. System (Pacific Unified Martial Arts”)
Is an eclectic blend of various fighting styles forged into a truly American System.
Grand Master and System founder, Jerry E. Fisher, studied American boxing for eleven years, competing in over 100 matches. In the middle 1950’s he began the study of Karate, training with a friend who had been stationed in Okinawa for a year, studying Isshin Ryu. Other styles were added over the years until, by 1974, Grand Master Fisher had attained a 3rd degree black belt in Isshin Ryu, a 1st degree black belt in Ozman Ryu, a 1st degree black belt in Hapkido and a 3rd degree black belt in Ed Parker’s Kenpo.
These various fighting arts, combined with the vast background in boxing, Jujitsu, grappling and a broad range of Chinese Wushu styles became the P.U.M.A. System, in 1974.
There are many top practitioners and world champions who are students of Mister Fisher and the PUMA System:
• 9th degree John Gyro
• 7th degrees Kirk Fisher and Scott Fisher
• 6th degrees Ron Pohnel, Kenn Firestone
• 5th degrees Burnis White, Ed Anders and many,
many more.
PUMA System is a broad range American fighting art grounded in traditional, respected roots.
Grand Master Fisher was a defensive tactic consultant for the Los Angeles Police Department starting in 1995. Mr. Fisher had worked with the L.A.P.D. on the development of arrest and control techniques as well as helped create specific threat responses.
The PUMA System is adaptable for all ages and body types. Exposing students to many disciplines enables them to direct their fighting style toward their own body type and personality.
Puma Karate
Ages: 6 through Adult
Prices: $49 per month for the first three months
$69 per month (after three months) – Family Discounts
Hours: Tuesday thru Friday, 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Class time vary depending on belt rank and age. Classes are 30 – 45 minutes
Tuesdays: Techniques
Wednesdays: Forms
Thursdays: WAZA
Friday: Sparing
We Participate in various competitions and have received 1st place World Championship awards in all areas of competition!
Ritenour Family:
• Jim Ritenour Master & Teresa Ritenour 5th Degree Black Belt.
• Britney and Michelle 3rd Degree Black Belts all have been with PUMA for 17 years.
• Jay Obernolte 5th Degree Black Belt has been with PUMA for 11 years.
• Karin Mills 4th Degree Black Belt has been with PUMA 9 years.
• Stacy Crumpler 4th Degree Black Belt has been with PUMA for 10 years.
• Terry Miklos 3rd Degree Black Belt has been with PUMA for 8 years.
• David Cabrillo, Anthony Castro, Zachary Sandoval, Adam Larsen and Jetzumani Pina are also Black Belts with PUMA.
42565 Moonridge Road, Big Bear Lake